
​10 Tips For Keeping Your Pharmacy Secure

Posted by Total Pharmacy Supply on Mar 30th 2022

As a pharmacist, it is your responsibility to keep your pharmacy safe and secure. There are many things you can do to make sure your pharmacy is protected from theft and burglary. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 tips for keeping your pharmacy safe and secure. Follow these tips and you can rest assured that your pharmacy is in good hands!

Tip #01: Install an alarm system

Installing an alarm system is one of the best ways to deter thieves and burglars. Be sure to choose a reliable and reputable company to install your system. In addition to an alarm system for your door, make sure you have security systems set up for robberies.

Tip #02: Use security cameras

Security cameras are another great way to deter criminals. Place them in strategic locations around your pharmacy so that you can keep an eye on activities. Make sure you're reviewing footage on a regular basis, not just when you think something is wrong.

Tip #03: Invest in insurance

Investing in insurance is a wise decision for any business, but it is especially important for pharmacies. Pharmacies are often targeted by thieves and burglars, so it is important to have the proper coverage in case of an incident.

Tip #04: Keep valuables and dangerous drugs out of sight

If you have any valuables in your pharmacy, be sure to keep them out of sight. Thieves are more likely to target items that are visible and easy to grab. The same goes for dangerous drugs. Be sure to keep them in a safe or narcotic cabinet and out of sight.

Tip #05: Create a routine for locking up at night

Be sure to create a routine for locking up at night. This will help ensure that all doors and windows are locked, safes are locked, and that the alarm is set. This also includes training your employees to follow this procedure.

Tip #06: Install motion-sensor lights

Installing motion-sensor lights is a great way to deter criminals. These lights will turn on automatically when someone approaches your pharmacy, making it more difficult for them to break in undetected. Often motion-sensor lights are enough of a deterrence to prevent break-ins altogether.

Tip #07: Keep your doors and windows locked

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it is important to keep your doors and windows locked at all times. In addition, make sure that any safes or drawers are also secured properly during business hours and before close.

Tip #08: Get to know your neighbors

Getting to know your neighbors is a great way to create a sense of community. This can be helpful in deterring crime, as neighbors are more likely to look out for each other. You can also use each other's security systems to create a wider radius of protection.

Tip #09: Train your employees

It is important to train your employees on security procedures. They should know how to properly lock up at night, set the alarm, and handle cash registers. In addition, they should be aware of what to do in the event of a robbery or break-in.

Tip #10: Have a security plan

Having a security plan in place is one of the best ways to deter criminals. Be sure to review your security plan regularly and update it as needed. This will help ensure that they are up-to-date and effective. It is also a good idea to have someone else review them as well to get an outside perspective.


By following these tips, you can help keep your pharmacy safe and secure. Do you have any other tips to share? Let us know in the comments below!

Total Pharmacy Supply is your one-stop-shop for all of your pharmacy needs. We offer a wide selection of security products like padlock sealsnarcotic cabinetsIVA seals, and more to help you keep your pharmacy safe and secure. Visit our website today to learn more!

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