
How to Better Serve Men At Your Pharmacy

Posted by Total Pharmacy Supply on Jun 19th 2023

This June is National Men's Health Month here in the U.S., and that means it's time to talk about how to better serve the male patients in your pharmacy. Did you know that only 3 out of 5 men get annual physicals, and over 40% of men only consider medical care when it's an emergency? That's why it's important to make sure that your pharmacy is doing everything it can to serve men when they come in.

Understanding Male Health Needs

The first step to better serving men at your pharmacy is understanding what their needs are. Men tend to be less likely than women to seek preventative health care and more likely to have chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Knowing this, it's important to ensure that men get the right treatments for their conditions, as well as appropriate preventative care.

Providing Support and Information

The next step is to make sure that your pharmacy provides male patients with the right support and information. This could include providing educational materials on conditions men are most likely to experience or offering free screenings for blood pressure and diabetes. It's also important to make sure that any medications prescribed are tailored to the particular needs of the patient.

Catering Toward Male-Dominant Health Concerns

In addition to information and support, it's important to make sure that your pharmacy is aware of the health concerns that are more common with men. These can include issues such as prostate cancer, male pattern baldness, and testicular cancer. By making sure your inventory has appropriate medications to address these concerns, you can provide important care for male patients who may be struggling with them.

Building Trust

Another key step in better serving men at your pharmacy is building trust with them. Men are more likely than women to be wary of medical advice, so it’s important that your pharmacy takes the time to get to know them and build relationships. This could include ensuring that each patient gets a personalized approach to their medical care, as well as providing resources for additional support if needed.

Creating a Welcoming Environment

It's also important to create an environment in your pharmacy that is welcoming to men. This could include having a male-friendly setting with comfortable seating, magazines or music geared towards men, and friendly staff. These small steps can go a long way in ensuring that your male patients feel supported and understood.

By taking these steps to better serve men at your pharmacy this National Men's Health Month, you'll be helping to create a healthier future for men in your community. So don't wait; make sure that you're doing everything you can to better serve the male patients at your pharmacy today!

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