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How To Effectively Use Utility Carts In Your Pharmacy

How To Effectively Use Utility Carts In Your Pharmacy

Posted by Total Pharmacy Supply on Sep 19th 2023

Utility carts are indispensable tools in any pharmacy setting. These stainless steel mobile units are built to transport medical supplies efficiently, streamlining all sorts of pharmaceutical operations. Because they’re designed with pharmacies and other compact medical facilities in mind, they can meet specific medication-related needs.

Total Pharmacy Supply is a leading provider of utility carts for pharmacies and other medical providers. When implemented properly, utility carts will help you maximize your pharmacy’s productivity and patient care – and that’s always our ultimate goal.

Of course, these carts are only effective when teams know how to use them, safely and properly. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the most effective ways to use utility carts in your pharmacies. 

Best Uses for Pharmacy Utility Carts

There are many ways to use utility carts in a pharmacy setting. When you know how to best use them, you can better improve the customer experience and help your team get things done, quicker and easier.

Here are some of the best ways to implement pharmacy utility carts.

Move Products Quickly & Safely

Time is of the essence when working in a pharmacy. With hundreds of patients and medications to serve throughout the day, you need a way to move products safely and quickly.

Pharmacy carts have sturdy construction and wheel-locking mechanisms, allowing for the safe transportation of medications and supplies. This smart design prevents items from falling or getting damaged while moving from place to place.

The ability to move products efficiently speeds up many different aspects of your pharmacy’s operations. Not only does it minimize manual handling to prevent errors, but it also reduces the amount of time that customers have to wait for prescriptions.

Hold Drying Parts

Maintaining a hygienic environment is paramount in any pharmacy. Equipment like trays and measuring cups always need to be washed and dried thoroughly before they can be reused.

To assist with this, utility carts serve as mobile drying racks. For models made from medical-grade stainless steel, each item can air-dry in a hygienic place. This ensures that essential items are easy to find and ready to use when necessary.

Reduce Contamination Risks

Utility carts are also helpful when it comes to reducing the risk of contamination. These carts are available in several configurations and can be set up with many compartments and tiers, making it easy to segregate and organize medical supplies.

This minimizes the chances of cross-contamination between products, which is crucial in a setting where even a minor mix-up can have serious consequences. Pharmacy carts are also simple to clean, allowing for healthy sanitation practices.

How to Select the Right Utility Cart

There are many types of utility carts available, and you’ll need to select one that meets your pharmacy’s unique needs. After all, one size doesn’t fit all – a high-volume pharmacy is going to have different needs than a smaller neighborhood pharmacy.

Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a utility cart.

  • Cart size: Make sure to choose a pharmacy cart that fits comfortably in your workspace without hindering your team’s movement. The size should also correspond to the products you’re moving around.
  • Weight capacity: Sturdy, well-built carts can handle heavier loads, which reduces the need for multiple trips throughout the pharmacy.
  • Mobility: Features like smooth-rolling wheels, wheel locks, and ergonomic handles make the cart easier to move around your space. A highly mobile cart reduces strain on employees and speeds up operations.
  • Budget: A utility cart is an investment in your pharmacy’s efficiency and safety. Consider the long-term benefits like durability and ease of use, and factor them against your budget. 

Tips for Properly Maintaining and Sanitizing Utility Carts

Regular maintenance is essential when using utility carts in a pharmacy. Not only is this necessary for safety, but it also helps your team operate more efficiently. So, here are some of our top tips for maintaining and sanitizing your utility carts.

Start by making regular cleaning part of your daily routine. Use disinfectant wipes or sprays that are powerful but not abrasive to avoid damaging the cart’s surface. Focus on handles and other high-touch areas in particular to remove any lingering bacteria. Deeper sanitization procedures should be followed at least once every one to two weeks.

When you’re not using your pharmacy cart, it should be stored in a designated area where it won’t accumulate dust or come into contact with contaminants. The storage area itself should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Many pharmacies opt to use utility cart covers for added protection.

Additionally, be sure to check the wheels periodically to make sure they are still working properly. If you notice any technical issues, address them right away to prevent mishaps in the future. 

Safe Medication Handling

Pharmacies typically use carts to organize and move medications. Although these carts can certainly help with medication handling, you’ll need to implement procedures to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks and that the medications stay safe.

All pharmacies are subject to strict regulations when handling controlled substances. To remain compliant, opt for utility or anesthesia carts with locking compartments or drawers to store these sensitive medications. Some carts even have individually locking compartments to provide an extra layer of protection.

Implementing a dual-check system can further minimize medication errors in the pharmacy. In a dual-check system, two qualified staff members independently verify the type and quantity of medication before dispensing it. Dual checks can be done efficiently using a well-organized utility cart to separate different medication types. This creates a sense of accountability in the pharmacy and stays on top of orders, even when you’re busy.

Still Looking for the Right Utility Cart?

Utility carts are a helpful tool for any busy pharmacy. Not only do they help your team transport medication efficiently, but they are also great organizational tools and help prevent errors.

If you’re in the market for a utility cart, you’ll need to choose a durable, well-constructed option that can handle the specific demands of your pharmacy. Additionally, you’ll need to keep safety and compliance in mind when selecting the cart and training employees to use it.

At Total Pharmacy Supply, we offer high-quality, versatile carts. Browse our selection of utility carts and other pharmacy supplies to find the right fit for your team.

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