
​Organizing Your Pharmacy For Safety

Posted by Total Pharmacy Supply on Jun 9th 2022

June is National Safety Month, and what better time to talk about organizing your pharmacy? Your pharmacy should be a place where consumers feel safe and trust in your ability to keep them safe. By taking a few simple steps, you can meet that need and make your pharmacy safer for both you and your patients.

Remove Clutter and Keep it Clean

One of the most important things you can do is to keep your work area clutter-free. A cluttered pharmacy is a hazard waiting to happen. Not only can it lead to accidents, but it can also make it difficult to find the supplies you need when you need them. Be sure to wipe down surfaces regularly, and throw away any expired medications or other items you no longer need. A clean pharmacy is a safe pharmacy.

Create a Labeling System

Another way to organize your pharmacy for safety is to create a system for labeling medications. This will help you keep track of what you have in stock, and make it easier to find what you need when a patient asks for it. You can also use labels to remind yourself of important safety information, such as expiration dates or storage instructions.

Invest in Safety Supplies

Just because you're a pharmacy doesn't mean you have everything you need in case of an emergency. Be sure to stock up on first aid supplies including bandages, gloves, and antiseptic. You should also have a fire extinguisher, a list of emergency numbers, flashlights, and batteries. These should be checked on regularly to make sure that they're not outdated, expired, or in need of replenishment.

Train Your Employees For Emergencies

It is also important to train your employees on what to do in case of an emergency. Emergencies your employees should be prepared for include:

  • Fire
  • Severe weather
  • Medical emergencies
  • Burglary or robbery

Make sure every employee knows what company policy is for each situation. They should also know how to use the equipment you have in case of an emergency, such as fire extinguishers or first-aid kits.

Review Emergency Procedures Regularly

Finally, take some time to create and review your pharmacy's emergency procedures. You should also have a plan for what to do in case of a power outage or other emergency. And do this regularly, so that no one forgets where anything is. By being prepared, you can help keep your pharmacy running smoothly — even in the event of an unexpected problem. If you need additional information, check out our blog on pharmacy security.

Organizing your pharmacy doesn't have to be a daunting task and National Safety Month is the perfect time to start making changes in your workplace. By taking these steps, you can create a safe and efficient work environment for both you and your patients. And if you need help with supplies, Total Pharmacy Supply is here to help.

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