
Summer Health — How To Get Your Pharmacy Ready For Warmer Weather

Posted by Total Pharmacy Supply on Jun 14th 2023

Summer is upon us, and that means the sun is shining, the days are longer, and people are more active. For pharmacies, this also means an increased need for a variety of over-the-counter medications as well as prescription drugs. Here are some tips on how to get your pharmacy ready for warmer weather:

Stock Up On Summer Health Essentials

This means sunscreen, sunscreen, and sunscreen. Stock up on a variety of sun protection products, from lotions to sprays. You can also set up an informational display about the importance of sun protection and the different kinds of protection available.

It is also a good idea to stock more mosquito repellents and antihistamines as people are more likely to be outdoors and in contact with bugs during the summer months. Additionally, it would be wise to stock up on aloe vera gel for those who get sunburns.

You can also offer cooling products like misters or portable fans, as well as hydration packs and other items that will keep people safe in the summer heat.

Organize Your Pharmacy For Easier Access

When the temperature rises, so does demand for certain products. Make sure your shelves are stocked and organized to make it easier for customers to find what they need. You can also create sections in your pharmacy dedicated to summer health items. This will also help keep your inventory levels in check.

Ensure Proper Vaccination Availability

Summer is also the time when people travel more and are in contact with different environments. To ensure that customers have access to all the necessary vaccines, make sure you keep your shelves stocked with all of the routine vaccinations like tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), and Hepatitis A and B.

In addition, consider providing information about new vaccine developments like the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine as well as vaccines for diseases related to travel, such as yellow fever or Japanese encephalitis.

Toward the end of the summer, it's important to get ready for back-to-school vaccinations as well. Be sure to have all the necessary vaccines in stock and provide information about the importance of keeping up with immunizations.

Stay Up-To-Date On Summer Health Risks

The summer months also bring a variety of health risks that may not be present during other times of the year. Heat stroke, dehydration, and allergic reactions are some of the most common health risks. In Texas, a recent law even allows pharmacists to administer epinephrine injections to patients experiencing anaphylaxis. If you live in a state that allows this life-saving measure, be sure all your pharmacists are aware and trained to act quickly if someone comes in needing emergency assistance.

It is important to stay up-to-date on these health risks so that you can better advise your customers and provide them with the necessary medications. Keep an eye out for news about regional outbreaks of illnesses like West Nile Virus or Zika, as well as any recommendations from public health officials about preventive measures or vaccines.


By stocking up on these essential summer health items and staying informed about summer health risks, your pharmacy can be ready for warmer weather. With the right strategies in place, you can ensure that your customers stay safe and healthy all season long.

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