
Serialized Glass Thermometers

Item #: 21826

$31.67 - $97.56

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Serialized Glass Thermometers for Laboratories

Serialized Immersion Glass Thermometers are ideal for general purpose applications that require serialization, such as laboratories, compounding pharmacies, universities, and more. They're filled with blue liquid, making them a safe alternative to mercury-containing devices.

Partial or Total Immersion serialized thermometers are available in a variety of styles. Armored options come enclosed in nickel-plated brass armor with detachable suspension ring cap for lasting protection from rough handling and shock during use and easy suspension. Choosing a thermometer with the FEP coating provides security in the event of breakage; the FEP coating contains the broken glass and liquid fill, preventing injury or contamination.

Universal Features:

  • Wide variety of temperature ranges available
  • Blue-liquid fill keeps operators safe
  • White-background glass allows for clear viewing
  • Serialized to ensure fulfillment accuracy