
Alternative Prescription Delivery Methods You Might Not Have Thought Of

Posted by Total Pharmacy Supply on Mar 22nd 2023

Pharmacy order with a variety of prescription packaging types

Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians have a lot of responsibilities when it comes to filling prescriptions. In addition to ensuring that the prescriptions are filled correctly, they also have to make sure that the patients receive them in a form they will actually take. There are many ways for patients to take prescriptions, but not all of them are well known. In this blog post, we will discuss some alternative prescription delivery methods that you might not have thought of!

  • Metered-Dose Topical Applicators — These are small, handheld devices that dispense medicine in a spray, lotion, or foam form. They are easy to use and can be applied directly to the skin to treat a wide array of conditions from eczema and psoriasis to pain and hormone replacement
  • Prefilled Syringes — This is an efficient way of delivering medication directly into the bloodstream quickly and accurately. It’s great for administering injections of antibiotics or other medications and is often used in palliative care.
  • Transdermal Patches — Transdermal patches are a great way to deliver medication without the need to take pills. Patches can be placed directly onto the skin and will gradually release medicine into the bloodstream over time. This is an ideal alternative for those who may have difficulty swallowing or digesting certain medications.
  • Buccal Tablets — Buccal tablets are a type of medication that sticks to the inside of the cheek, where they dissolve and release the medication into the bloodstream. This is especially useful when a patient needs to take medicine but is unable to swallow pills.
  • Nasal Sprays — Nasal sprays are another convenient and effective way to deliver medication. The spray is inhaled into the nose, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream quickly. This is an ideal option for those who need to take antibiotics or other medications that can irritate the throat and stomach.
  • Medication Blister Packs — This is a great way to ensure that patients are taking their medication correctly. Blister packs feature individual doses of medicine in sealed compartments, making it easier for patients to remember when and how much they need to take.

These are just a few of the alternative methods for delivering prescription medications that you may not have thought of. At Total Pharmacy Supply, we offer a variety of prescription packaging methods that can help aid your patients. Thoughtfully considering alternative medication delivery methods like these provides next-level care that improves quality of life while building trust with your patients. The important thing to remember is to discuss these alternatives with patients in order to help with prescription adherence.

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